About the Channel
Hello, I’m Saukki. I’ve been riding velomobiles since 2016.
Back in the days there weren’t many velomobile channels on YouTube producing quality velomobile content. So I decided to give it a try. And here we are. In 2023 the channel surpassed 15000 subscribers landmark making this the largest velomobile channel on YouTube.
The goal of my channel is to make entertaining and informative velomobile content and to spread the knowledge of velomobiles so that more people would get interested about these awesome human powered vehicles.
What is a Velomobile?
A velomobile is a human powered vehicle.
It’s usually a fully faired recumbent trike or quad. Modern factory built velomobiles are usually made out of carbon fiber and they have normal bicycle powertrain.
Velomobiles are fast and efficient because of the sleek aerodynamic fairing which produce minimal drag. You can easily keep up with the average speed of around 40 km/h and be much faster than regular bicycles. Or you can ride the same speed than regular bikes but use way less energy. A velomobile can be practical daily driver and also fast racing machine.
A velomobile is a green way of transportation.
The Velomobile Channel Merchandise
Check out my webshop for cool Velomobile T-shirts & more
For What are Velomobiles Good for?
Long distance cycling.
You can pack your camping gear in a velomobile and travel long distances with relatively little effort.
You can easily commute up to 30 km or more daily by using only human power.
Weather protection.
You are covered from rain, cold and sun. Also the velomobile drivetrain is protected from water and mud.
Replace a car.
With a velomobile you can run most of your regular errands.
Comprehensive Velomobile Reviews
On The Velomobile Channel there’s only comprehensive velomobile reviews. I like to test ride a velomobile at least 1000 km before I feel comfortable enough to give my honest opinion about it and to make a full review.
Are you a velomobile manufacturer? Please contact me and get your velomobile reviewed.
A Velomobile can be used around the year
Even here in harsh nordic winter it is possible to ride a velomobile. Though there are some velomobile models which works better in this kind of difficult conditions compared to some other models.
E-Assist makes a velomobile more useful
Adding an electric motor to your velomobile makes it more usefull for example in hilly area or in winter. I mounted an electric motor to my Quatrevelo and have been riding it through the harsh Finnish winter.
But on flat area in summer conditions electric assist doesn’t do much.